Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Sky is Falling!!???

The sky is falling!!!! The sky is falling!!!! If I have to read any more of this stuff, I may lose it! Talk of a depression and a global failure are very frightening indeed, but is there really a chance of that occuring? As in any other presidential campaign year, a lot of media attention is driven towards the dire state of the economy which often times erodes investor and consumer confidence making things even worse. There are some very real problems out there right now that will take some time and effort to correct. Most people forget that just one year ago, to the day in fact, the Dow hit an all time high!!! You would think we've been in a downward spiral that began 7 years and 10 months ago the way it's portrayed in the media. I try my best to seek out good information from unbiased sources that will allow me to form my own oppinions. I found this to be a great article on the state of the economy Sure, we've got our problems and it's going to take a while for people to settle down and get on with their lives. I personally, along with a lot of people we're working with right now, have chosen to continue working hard and work within the market we're given. We aren't given enough months in our lifetime to think doom and gloom for too long a period. It's spectacular out there right now, so get out away from the news and the computer and enjoy this terrific fall season.

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