Monday, November 30, 2009

Change to flies only regs on AuSable and others?

I've received a number of e-mails over the weekend in regards to an upcoming meeting of The Natural Resources Natural Resources Commission. Apparently one of the topics to be discussed is the possibility of a change in regulations that would open sections of river currently regulated as "flies only" to allow for use of artificial lures as well. This would dramatically change the make up of the fisheries on most of the better trout water in our state. From a private property standpoint, it would diminish the value of those properties currently located on sections of rivers that are currently regulated as "flies only". Because these sections end up being much more productive due to the regulations, values on these sections can be as much as 20% higher than other sections of the same river. The AuSable River Holy Water, North Branch, and South Branch as well as the flies only section of The Manistee are prime examples of this. I've not been able to see any detail on the proposed changes other than the agenda for the meeting which will take place at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday in Lansing, MI at The Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health 4125 Beaumont Road. The meetings are open to the public if you can make time to attend. You could also reach the director of The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Rebecca Humphries at her e-mail to voice your concerns. Here is a link to the names and contact numbers for the members of the commission.,1607,7-153-39002_11862-26986--,00.html. It's very special to have these sections of river that have been proven to have much higher survival catch rates than sections of river regulated with more generous parameters. This serves to not only provide a fantastic fishery that draws a tremendous number of people to our state each year, but allows for terrific reproductive rates that help all sections of these rivers to flourish. The number of miles of "flies only" water is a small percentage of the total miles of high quality trout water in our state and is a truly unique and special resource that will hopefully remain so for quite some time.

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