Yesterday, I was working with clients from downstate who were beginning to look for a vacant river or inland lake parcel, and we actually looked at more than 12 parcels throughout Benzie County in just under 4 hours. I think that was a first in terms of looking at so many parcels in a relatively short period of time. But what I realized is that you can still get a lot for your money in Benzie County, and if you have the right REALTOR® who has your back, it can make all the difference by making the process smooth and seamless. I have become somewhat of an expert in terms of rivers, lakes, and homes in Benzie County and surrounding areas; and I have learned throughout my years in real estate how to make others' dreams come true when it comes to either buyer or selling property or homes. And I always make sure we have some fun along the way. When it comes to working with clients like I did yesterday, I found out in advance exactly what they were interested in before we started on our sojourn looking for property. I asked how much they wanted to spend, among other specifics about their dream parcel. Then I went to work to not only find the right parcels, but I also anticipated their questions in advance of looking at the various parcels, so I was able to answer their questions as they were assessing whether or not they wanted to keep a parcel in their possibilities list or move on.
If you're starting to think about purchasing either a vacant parcel or home in northern Michigan, don't look any further for your REALTOR® for MI Life, because it's me. In the process of searching, please take a look at my new listing on a sweet inland lake in Benzie County, within minutes of everything we have learned to love about Up North: the Dunes, inland lakes and rivers, Lake Michigan, Beulah, Frankfort, Traverse City, and even the new L.A. Brewery and a great restaurant called the Stone Oven in the Village of Lake Ann. Click below to see the parcel on Bronson Lake or give me a call at (231) 715-9037. You can read more about me here. Let me be your REALTOR® for MI Life and make the buying or selling process smooth and easy.