We're excited to feature Joey B. Lax-Salinas as our featured artist for March. His work is now up on the front page of www.homewaters.net. We were drawn toward his work during our own search for images to use to promote our Downtown Traverse City effort. His work really captured the energy of downtown and the surrounding areas. you can view and purchaser more of his Traverse Area Photos at www.traversecityphotos.com. Here is some background from his website.
"I’m a traveling photographer born and raised in Northwest Indiana who fell in love with Traverse City and it’s surrounding areas after photographing thousands of photos in and around the Traverse City area.
I first traveled to Traverse City not all that long ago. In the summer of 2012, I took a road trip around Lake Michigan, starting in my home area of Northwest Indiana and driving east and north through Grand Rapids and up to Traverse City. Traverse City was the first stop and I stayed for two nights, enjoying the downtown area on Front Street, a drive through the towns on the Leelanau County Peninsula, and exploring and hiking at the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. With my time in Traverse City limited to just under two days, I was able to get a well-balanced first experience of the city and enjoyed a nice dinner at Amical downtown on Front Street. After loading up with BBQ sauce from Cherry Republic, Oils and Vinegars from Fustini’s, and teas from Spice Merchants, I headed out of town to continue my trip. Later in 2012, I would make another over night stop in late October to see a much more quiet and subdued Traverse City in late fall.

Traverse City Photographer for Commercial Licensing
After taking several trips to Traverse City and posting many Traverse City and Leelanau County photos on my primary photography website JoeyBLS Photography, business people in the Traverse City area began to contact me about licensing my digital photos for commercial use. That gave me the idea to create a single location for people to browse through photos to find photos that they could use for their website or business marketing materials, such as catalogs, flyers, brochures, business cards, posters, email templates and more.
Since I live in Northwest Indiana, I only get up to Traverse City a couple of times a year, but each time I do, I look for more places and more photos to capture and add into the gallery. My goal is to capture all the aspects of life in Traverse City and to be the Traverse City photographer to go to when it comes to licensing photos for commercial use, so I hope to return in the winter months for some snow photos so be sure to check back often. In the meantime, follow me onFacebook, Twitter, Google+, Flickr, and Instagram."
Thanks so much for participating, Joey! Your work looks terrific on the front page of the site.
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