While it's pretty bro
adly known that most of the agents and brokers within Homewaters are passionate fly anglers, it's very difficult for us to find time on the stream. We spend so much time in the office and in the field with clients that fishing gets pushed aside more aften than we would like. Last week, however, I set aside work (sorry to those who received delayed responses to your inquiries!) and took some time on the river to recharge my batteries. It reminded me that, regardless of how much work is stacking up, you need to just get out there and take some time for yourself.
Among the experiences I would have missed out on are; A 6' 6" client stepping out of his
AuSable Boat into a 6' 10" hole in the river and completely submerging himself in 55 degree river water. An Osprey flying right over our heads at tree level. A small brown trout with a chestnut eel attached to its flank. A couple of mink, a beaver, and a lot of changes in the river since last year due to the ice this winter. The first Sulphur of the season. A 20" + brown trout that has taken up residence right in the middle of the river in front of my cabin. He stays right in the open and taunts me with his ever present knowledge that an angler is attached to the other end of the the line that has just been cast in front of him. Most importantly, I spent some great time with my wife and kids along the river doing nothing but getting dirty and looking around for bugs.
I'll apologize in advance because I have a feeling that, for the rest of the season, I'll be taking one day each week to get out of work mode. If you get my voice mail, please do leave a message because I will be checking it and will get in touch if it's some immediate need. I suggest that anyone reading this think back to the last time you completely got away from the day to day grind. It's the best way I know to remind myself of what's truly important in the big scheme. Enjoy the rest of the spring. We hope to see you up north soon.
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